Diamond in the Roughhh

Diamond in the Roughhh

Picking is always an adventure.  You never know what you are going to find or what you are going to have to dig through to find it. Recently, my daughter and I went to pick up some antique luggage racks in Calvert, TX. When we got there we found mounds of “junk”! It was like an antique/junk cemetery. A feast for the eyes and a mecca for a “ picker”!
 Once we started digging around we found lots of pieces with promise and potential. At first glance they all may have looked like garbage but my eye has taught me to look beyond the surface to see the bones of a piece. One little antique writing table in particular, had a horribly marked up top and had been painted with an obscene green on its spindly legs.
Once we got home, we started sanding her top and her legs and this beautiful white paint and raw wood was exposed! I swear she was glowing! We found her a happy little spot in our newly decorated rooms in our Texas house. She may be my favorite find from that day!
In this business, I’m constantly reminded that by spending a little extra time, looking a little deeper and not judging by first glance- you give yourself permission to find what others may miss. 
There is beauty, value and worth all aground us. Sometimes, it just takes us slowing down to see it!


Love n' Junk- ❤️Robyn
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